Former NFL Cornerback Antonio Cromartie on Raising 14 Kids

Antonio Cromartie's career has spanned four NFL teams, four Affirmative Bowls, and includes holding the record for the longest play in NFL history. And, of run, the former cornerback might be optimal known for fathering 14 kids end-to-end all that, including tetradafter he had a vasectomy. Antonio made waves in 2010 for a TV curtail in which he struggled to remember all of his kids name calling, but the meme-able present moment, as with most quick internet chuckles, obscured the tenderness of his family life and his commitment to be a supportive, present figure in each of their lives. In fact, Antonio recently hung up his jersey to be a stick-at-abode dad, As chronicled in U. S. Army's reality showThe Cromarties. He sat down to take away the Paternal Questionnaire and reflect on reconnecting with his ain dad, the joys of pedicures, and having more kids post-vasectomy.

What is your bring up?
Antonio Cromartie.

Professional athlete.


How sunset are your children?
They go from 13 to three months.

What are their name calling?
I'm not going to name them, I've got 14 kids.

Are they onymous after anyone particularly?
The boys all have my given name as their middle advert. So, Jagger is Jagger Beau Antonio Cromartie. Jynx is Jynx Revell Antonio Cromartie. Jordan is named aft Michael Jordan.

Do you wealthy person any cute nicknames for your children?
J'adore we call "Tink Tinkle." Jynx is "Deuce." And right straightaway, we're fluctuating nicknames with Jhett, we have "Pooh Bear" and "Tutu."

What practise they holler you?
"Cro." They call me "pappa," just my nickname around the house is "Cro." They call me that when they in truth neediness something.

How often do you see them?
The kids in my house, that's each day. I also have summer visitation with some of my kids. It's alternate for holidays, too, indeed we have odd and even years. IT's not hard to keep track of. We know the years and we know if we've got odd or even age. Information technology makes IT easier. Advantageous the kids are getting older, so they'll just be look-alike, "Dad, can we come to your house?"

Describe yourself equally a father in three dustup.
I would say amative, very work force-on, and a bit strict. Like, "you need to equal present, you gotta be hither, you gotta do this a definite way." So, I would believably state hands-on from a standpoint of just always wanting to know what's active connected with homework and everything. And I'm strict, I am. I have a very militant, military background.

Describe your father in three words.
From us just talking and having a true breakthrough: romantic, he's open to communication, and he wants the optimal for me and my other siblings. He just wants the best for us. Doesn't want anything, sporting wants the best and that's what I appreciate about him the most. The day that I got drafted, my dad was there. He was like, "Look, Logos, I wear't want anything from you, at all. Just cost aware of other mass using you."

What are your strengths as a father?
I would say my strictness. I would say my strictness because it keeps the kids on a schedule. They understand what I have a bun in the oven of them, what Mommy expects of them. My other strength is, I'm rattling nurturing. I think I just essa to be A much in the house A possible. With the kids that aren't in the house, I know I can't be. So information technology's about just trying to follow as nurturing American Samoa I lav with them, also.

What are your weaknesses as a father?
That's probably communication, with the wife, with everybody. I think over that's my biggest weakness, information technology's communication. Having trouble to commune, Beaver State being able to precisely say what I want to say. I think that's a weakness as a husband and a forefather. It's the communicating part.

What is your biggest regret as a father?
Honestly, I assume't have a regret as a father. Ilk, my situations are my situations. I don't look at IT with rue. I don't very have anything I want to regret because all of my kids are a blessing. Everything is departure perhaps not as family-planned as it's supposed to, but I don't regret anything existence a father.

What is your favorite activity to do with your kids that's your especial Church Father and kids thing?
With the girls it's going to get pedicures. I love that, when you take your flyspeck girl to the pedicure and you're superficial at them and it's like-minded, "man, they're ontogenesis rising." I gotta start getting ready for these boys to start coming in. I got to prepare myself. My little girls are growing up and I alike spending time with them in their element, in something that they similar. Those moments with my daughters, just now being able to take them to get their first pedicures ever. Those moments are cherishable. And with my sons, it's just being able to take them to the movies, they know that. Being capable to suffer them in the same constituent that I'm in.

What has been the moment you've been all but proud of A a Father of the Church, and why?
It's been recently. Our daughter, Jordan, she had all B's on her report. We've been pushful her to make a point she keeps her grades up. She's very smart, but gymnastics takes rising a great deal of her prison term. She's exhausted from that but she has to do her work. We say her, "keep your grades high" and we North Korean won't be then granitic connected her. We know what rather educatee she can be and we fitting want her to see that.

What heirloom did your Padre give you, if any?
Just expression to ME, "Look, I don't want anything from you. I just want to make certainly you have everything. And watch for the people that are approximately you."

What heirloom do you privation to leave-taking your children, if some?
The make for ethic. Fashioning sure they work and know that naught is just given to you.

Describe the "Dad Uncommon" for dinner.
I undergo baked ziti. Everybody loves when I make dry ziti. Cro's baked ziti, I can make two trays and it's through in two days. The other repast is maple-vitreous pinkish-orange.

Are you religious, and are you raising your children in that tradition?
I am religious, non-denominational, but it's more thus Christianity. That's something that me and my wife are raising our kids as. We try to teach them to pray.

What's a mistake you made growing up that you need to ensure your kids don't recur?
Wear't let people take your forgivingness for a weakness. What you have is yours, don't let other multitude around you dictate where things are supposed to go.

Besides saying it, how do you make steady your children know you love them?
I think it's just by outlay time with them. Doing the things that they like. Pedicures, operating theater Jagger will want to free rein with swords and baseball game. Teentsy block the like that, just appreciating what they do.


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